
Amazon S3 guide

How to configure Amazon S3 and use it in ShareX

Get AWS account

Create policy

We are going to create this policy to increase our security by giving only PutObject permission which is used when uploading files.

Note: You can uncheck Any later if you prefer to use a specific bucket name instead.

Create group

Create user

Important: In this page, either make a record of Access key ID and Secret access key somewhere or press Download .csv to save them as a file. We need these later in ShareX.

[Optional] Secure your account

You don't need to do these but it is suggested to keep your account secure.

You may need to activate multi-factor authentication and create a password policy which should be easy.

Create S3 bucket

The bucket is where your uploaded files will be stored.

Important: If you are going to use your own domain with S3 then the bucket name should be the same as your CNAME. For example, if you want to use this URL: then bucket name should be Click here for more info.

Tip: You can use this website to check ping of regions:

[Optional] Configure DNS for custom domain

If you are going to use your own domain then you must configure DNS.

For example, assume that you are using Cloudflare, your bucket name is and it is stored in EU (Frankfurt) region. Your DNS settings will then be:

You can find a list of region endpoints from ShareX main window -> Destinations -> Destination settings -> Amazon S3 tab -> Endpoints.

So the target should be {bucketname}.{endpoint}

Check here for more information.

Configure ShareX Amazon S3 settings

Now you are ready to use Amazon S3 in ShareX!